JAWS Podiatry is proud to offer multiple options for toe surgery, including aesthetic toe-shortening surgery, toe-straightening surgery, toe-lengthening surgery as well as hammertoe surgery.


Toe problems are divided into 3 main toe deformities. These include a hammer toe, claw toe, or a mallet toe. In all these deformities, the toe becomes buckled, contracted or crooked at different joints. The toe could even cross over an adjacent toe, which is called a cross over toe. Any of the toes may be affected, but the 2nd and 5th toe are most commonly involved.

To learn more about minimally-invasive, aesthetic foot surgery, please visit our MIFAS section.

More details on our aesthetic toe surgical options and procedures are available below.  Have a question or can’t find what you’re looking for?  Give us a call at (954) 922-7333 or schedule a consultation today!

Aesthetic Toe-Shortening Surgery

Having a long toe is a particular deformity that is not caused by wearing the wrong shoes or making poor lifestyle choices.

It is a genetic condition, which really should have another moniker because it does not concern the toe at all.

The culprits in this non crime are the metatarsals, which are the five bones connecting the phalanges in the middle of the foot, which connect to the tarsal bones in the back.

Minimally invasive, this outpatient procedure takes only a few hours and is performed under local  anesthesia.

It can be performed in one of two diverse ways.

The surgeon may shorten the toe via joint resection (arthroplasty) or bone mending (fusion). The former involves the removal of a piece of one of the small toe joints, while the latter shortens the toe by removing an entire small joint, which allows the two ends of the bone to heal into a shorter position.

Aesthetic Toe-Straightening Surgery

Cosmetic foot surgery is usually driven by more than just vanity. Crooked or angular toes can cause discomfort and pain during normal activities such as walking or wearing certain shoes. Fortunately, you have options.

Toe straightening surgery can restore a natural appearance to your feet by correcting misaligned toes.

Aesthetic Toe-Lengthening Surgery

This Jaws Podiatry procedure corrects a short toe, which is also known as brachymetatarsia or brachymetarsal.

This genetic condition, which occurs more frequently in women than in males, is characterized by a disruption in the growth process to a bone in the foot.

The most commonly affected is the fourth toe, but it can erupt on any toe. The digit itself is usually normal in length, but the metatarsal bone that the toe attaches itself to in the arch is short. It is often described as a floating toe.

Pain is often associated with this deformity as well as embarrassment and the psychological impact of being different and therefore “less” than others. This is often expressed by people with short toes hiding their feet and avoiding ever being discovered barefoot.

Due to the fact that a short toe resides higher up on the foot, shoes can be great irritators and pain can be augmented by callouses and pressure resulting from the unnatural weight distribution on the ball of the foot that a short toe is known to create.

Toe lengthening surgery involves restoring the length of the short bone. Usually, one of the three following techniques are utilized, depending upon the severity of the case at hand (or in this case, foot).

These include: sliding bone-cut lengthening and bone grafting. A bit more on each follows below.

Sliding Bone-Cut Lengthening

Reserved for very mild cases, this procedure is the least performed of the three because only a minimal measure of length can be gained.

The process entails an angulated incision that is made in the bone, which allows for its lengthening.

Cosmetic Bone Graft Lengthening

A common process involving the insertion of a structural bone graft into the short bone for the purpose of lengthening the toe. Its size is determined by the amount of length that is needed. This method is also somewhat limited to and is best suited for toes that require less that one centimeter of lengthening.

Toe Straightening Surgery – Hammertoe Surgery

This procedure allows for a surgical release or lengthening of the tendons or ligaments that are forcing the toe muscles to remain contracted.

Both a hammer toe and mallet toe are two foot deformities that occur due to this imbalance in the toes structures (ligaments, tendons and muscles) that normally hold the toe in a straight position.

Minimally Invasive Hammer Toe Surgery

The development of these conditions can arise from the type of shoes worn every day, natural foot structure, disease and trauma.

The hammer toe is easily recognized by the abnormal bend in the middle joint of the toe, while the mallet toe always affects the joint nearest the nail.

Both conditions usually occur in the second, third and fourth toes. If conservative treatments don’t help and surgery is recommended, the surgeon may also remove a small piece of the bone in order to ensure that the toe can extend fully.

The main difference between a hammertoe and a claw toe involves the location of the affected joint.

While the hammertoe affects the toe’s second or middle joint, which causes it to bend downward, this deformity most commonly affects the second toe.

The claw toe can occur in all but the big toe. The middle and end toe joints are the most often affected and the toes tend to bend and curl under.

If you live anywhere throughout the United States or abroad, we are a leading, 5-star rated, lower extremity enter offering cutting edge treatments for hammertoe and all aspects of foot and ankle care.

Headed by 5-star rated and highly acclaimed Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM), Dr. Abraham Wagner and our dedicated staff are deeply connected to our patients and their desire to alleviate their pain and suffering.

For more information on surgical options and procedures for toes, please contact JAWS Podiatry at 954-922-7333. or schedule a consult today!


It is not self evident that all feet and all foot surgeons are created equally. The cosmetic and functional procedures we perform require mastery over an extensive set of skills that take years to develop. 

So when you need to keep your best foot forward, make sure that it goes in that direction only and contact our caring, experienced and thoroughly prepared staff at Jaws Podiatry.

Final thought about feet: The human foot  is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art- Leonardo Da Vinci

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